Wednesday 26 April 2017


Robots, they are allways evolving to adapt to this great society we call humanity, but because we are social, we may have the creeps with a copy of us, a copy of who we are.
That's the phenomenon of doing something look as human as possible but still see something terrifying, something un...human.
Surf in the web and see for yourself!

Saturday 8 April 2017


I've been watching a lot of Doctor Who recently and I started to think about the deadliest being in the universe, the Daleks.
It's interesting that this creatures were made to save a civilization and have one death ray, only one, but  I am not here to talk about how dangerous a Dalek could be, but if they're even possible.

We are told that Daleks  are genetically modified creatures with one eye, some of this traits could be altered, but the thoughts and ways of thinking may be inposible to alter, because we don´t know what emotions are, how are they made and how can they be changed...
for now Daleks may now want to kill you, but beware.