Sunday 20 May 2018


Hi everyone...
I would like you to see this video that I made for the 2018 cienciaclip contest.
If you like it, go to the link and cast your vote to this video.Wwith your help, we might be able to get the necessary amount of votes to win in a tie-in scenario.

Saturday 24 June 2017


Consider this:You were born when an egg and one spermatozoon came together and started to duplicate into more and more cells that will make your body.But did you?When were you really born?
When did you became a diferent being to your mum or dad?How much of you you must have to be you?
Let's consider the ship of thesius.Imagine you have a ship and you start changing it's pieces by other identical ones.How many pieces much I exchange until it stops being the same ship?

If you find this confusing, I thougth about another paradox.
Imagine you have a printer that can print cells in 3D.How many cells much you print to make a human?And when do your cells become one human?When do you start being conscious?
Must you think you're alive or just act as such?

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Wednesday 26 April 2017


Robots, they are allways evolving to adapt to this great society we call humanity, but because we are social, we may have the creeps with a copy of us, a copy of who we are.
That's the phenomenon of doing something look as human as possible but still see something terrifying, something un...human.
Surf in the web and see for yourself!

Saturday 8 April 2017


I've been watching a lot of Doctor Who recently and I started to think about the deadliest being in the universe, the Daleks.
It's interesting that this creatures were made to save a civilization and have one death ray, only one, but  I am not here to talk about how dangerous a Dalek could be, but if they're even possible.

We are told that Daleks  are genetically modified creatures with one eye, some of this traits could be altered, but the thoughts and ways of thinking may be inposible to alter, because we don´t know what emotions are, how are they made and how can they be changed...
for now Daleks may now want to kill you, but beware.

Sunday 26 March 2017


I'm sorry to say this, but oil has an advantage over other types of energy.
It goes against human rights and only gives a political advantage.
Oil gives power:
The people who take oil out of the ground aren't well paid, but because they´re exposed to toxic particles, making them too sich to revolt, the governor gets easy money and creates a poor society giving him more power with less revolts, don't worrying about its own citizens, for a governor the most important part of society of his country are the ones that protect him.

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Saturday 18 March 2017

PIGEONS, the best birds ON EARTH

Yes, you find them gross, yes, they can trasmit disease,yes, they poop.
But pigeons have lots of curiosities in their arsenal.
-Is the only bird that produces a milk-like product for their chicks.
-It was used to send messages in WWI
-They are the only bird that were tried to add in a program of live missiles.
-They were used to save people who were in the water.
-Our ancesters ate them.
-They have been artificialy selected.

Sunday 12 March 2017


Since the beginning, there was one race that seeked the ultimate "time-spliter", for our terms, a rudimentary clock.
They first looked at the sky at night, and noticed change, regular change,they made the moon their time-spliter.
But things got difficult when the romans invaded egypt, changing not just the hours, but the spliting of the whole year, it gave quite a hard time puting all of thoes things together.

But far away, a wild, indigenous race (humans in tribes) used the movement of animals through the forest to split time.
For example,many moluscs like barnicles open when the tide brings nutrients to the coast, in a regular patter, because of the tides, and with tides you can split time, too.
Fruit flies fly instinctly at the first time of daylight, even in a dark room.

If romans knew that maybe we would have barnicles for clocks.