Sunday 12 March 2017


Since the beginning, there was one race that seeked the ultimate "time-spliter", for our terms, a rudimentary clock.
They first looked at the sky at night, and noticed change, regular change,they made the moon their time-spliter.
But things got difficult when the romans invaded egypt, changing not just the hours, but the spliting of the whole year, it gave quite a hard time puting all of thoes things together.

But far away, a wild, indigenous race (humans in tribes) used the movement of animals through the forest to split time.
For example,many moluscs like barnicles open when the tide brings nutrients to the coast, in a regular patter, because of the tides, and with tides you can split time, too.
Fruit flies fly instinctly at the first time of daylight, even in a dark room.

If romans knew that maybe we would have barnicles for clocks.

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