Saturday 15 October 2016


Have you ever wondered what is the answer to the big question...What is life?

So to answer it I invented a simple dilema.
Imagine you have a rock, What should you do to consider that it is alive or that it is life?
It depends.What is life?In every organisim there are proteins that make it function:feed,get energy,produce more of itself, recicle, copy genetic material...
But proteins aren't alive by themselves, is the reactions that they make that creates proceses to sustain the being.

At some point creatures die, they reproduce to maintain, not themselves,but their genes, the informaciĆ³n to create all proteins, its so important in fact that living things can evolve into dead things as long as its benefitial to its DNA.But DNA is a protein, its not alive by itself.

Now lets apply the rock dilema:If you add reactions that create chemical proceses un the same way as in living things, Is the rock alive?Or if you add information to arrange and create a copy of itself and a way to decode it, Is it alive?


  1. If you stop to think about it. It is not the DNA itself (not alive) that the organisms strive to keep. It is the information contained in them. Looking from this perspective, if you can use the rock to preserve information, it is just the same. Now the big question would be: who is trying to preserve this information?
