Sunday 5 February 2017

How MYTHICAL BEAST talk about US

Dragons,Krakens and other creatures talk more about our fears than about our imagination.
The reason why there are mighty beasts that capture ships in long voyages is to avoid courage.
People won't go to somewhere if you raise them saying that they're might be man-eating monsters learking in the unknown.
And apart from that, most monsters are either reptilian or have disproportionate body parts, they're meant to be ugly,creepy,phobic,predatory.
Let's ask ourselfes a question,What mix of animals ressembles a dragon?
Most heads are canine or feline, with fur and well defines eyes.The body remainds of a snake.
Legs remaind of eagle or feline legs,and the wigs are from bats but with the size of an eagle's, all this predators ate our ancestors, and still eat our cousins.
So maybe it´s just  a way for us to fear our biggest threat.
Or is it something different beyond our psycology.We will discuss it in the next blog.

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