Monday 26 September 2016


Godzilla is normally considered an amphibian that has suffered large ammouts of radiation and has become a gargantic monster on the sea that goes on land and fires up buildings and cities.My question is,How could you create a godzilla with thoes abilities?
To be a creature that can go on water and land.But amphibians die if the contact salt water, so our best chance is it to be a reptile.Then there is the problem with size, a creature the size of godzilla may not colapse on sea, but on land the metric cube law (mass grows faster than force) makes it imposible to stand uprigth without colapsing in  the soil, even if it walked in four legs it would sink in soil.To make godzilla a fire breathing monster it would need to save the gas produced by her digestion and eat some flameable metals.
But could godzilla even exist as it is?Well, here is a video that will help you find out.

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