Sunday 4 September 2016


Poop is disgusting,Or isn't it? In the natural world poop is a precious material for plants and bacteria.Flies and beetles need poop to feed and lay their eggs.Poop is rich in nitrogen and ammonia that are the main food of plants and some bacteria.Herbivores need tough digestive systems, but even then some herbivore digestion isn't very effective, such as elephant digestion, that's why there is a lot of undigested fivers in their poop, which can be nutritious food for fiver loving microbes.
Other animals like bears eat berries and poop their seeds along with his poop that will help them grow.
Fruit bats in south america contribute in 50% of the amazon's rain forest whole pollination system.
Maybe we are the weird ones that clean our poop before someone else can use it, is rubbish for us,but isn't for anyone else.


  1. Replies
    1. That's because poop produces chemicals such as methane and organic compounds that when they contact our smell receptors make us sense a horrid smell.

    2. Thanks! Your drawing is fine!
