Sunday 31 July 2016


New games like Pokemon Go have exited Pokemon players all around the world.
But even the existance of the creatures we call Pokemon is beacuse of nature.
Many Pokemon have been inspired by insects, birds and mammals.
For instance these Caterpie looks a lot like some caterpillar that wants to mimic the eyes of a bird or the face of a viper.
Even more, the Pokemon´s names have scientific meaning and explain anatomicaly their powers, for instance how some Pokemon produce electricity in their bodies for later use.

ANTS in NEW GUINEA are named by the series GAME OF THRONES

Two species of the generous Pheidole have been found in Papua New Guinea and the islands of  Fiji.
Their names are Pheidole viserion and Pheidole drogon.Their names refer to their similarity to the american "Game of Thrones" serie´s dragons: Viserion and Drogon.
These two species are just 2 of the 1000 species in this family.

We humans see patterns in nature that resemble figures and characters.
The question is,How many other figures will we see in nature that are yet to be discovered?

Saturday 30 July 2016


Venom are different chemicals that destroy the cell access to raw materials from the outside and the inner machinery.
Snake venom is a very interesting kind of venom beacuse it could have many sanitary inplications for our future.
Snake antivenom as most of spider venom is injected inhorses or mice in non-lethal doses so they create antibodies.Then a example of the bloods animal will be taken an their antibodies isolated as antivenom.
However, some of this chemicals can be used to cure disease that may be carried geneticaly.
Would´t be a same to loose these helping hand creatures.

Thursday 28 July 2016

LAB ANIMALS:What´s the deal?

Animals have been used in many labs for decades, specially for biology and medicine studies.
Today some people complain to this practice.
Let´s see the positive and negative sides of these practice.
+The use of animals like mice in the lab has made possible understand venom molecules, viruses and bacteria deadliness and sometimes some vaccines.They even made the first step to genetics like "marathon pills" that could lead to old or dissabled people to have exercise or being nearly transparent.
-Some of this experiments are inmoral and don´t give good care of their animal subjects.
If animals have rigths, the trade of them would be banned and no animals would be harmed.
Of course, this theme has many uncertainties:Are the rigths of animals more inportant than global health or understanding anatomy or infection?And what about plants, bacteria, viruses?They´re also used in labs and some crimes have been linked to bio´terrorisim from labs.Are all of thoes  inmoral?If not,Is that fair?

Wednesday 27 July 2016

SPIDER SILK, a silky future

Spider silk is a very interesting material that has some tentalising characteristics for our future.
Is stronger than any man made material.
Scientist found the genes that make spider silk and was inplanred into goats wich later produced silk proteins in their milk.
Spider silk was used for some of the most valued blankets.It has so many valuable uses that it can even be used for medical purposes.

Tuesday 26 July 2016


Oxygen or O2 for short is a molecule that today makes 21% of our atmosphere an is normaly called "the breath of life".
But O2 has her downsides: is very reactive an corrosive. The first microbes on earth didn´t use oxygen and when the iron rich seas of the time were bombarded with oxigen molecules the mayority of the microbes died by quemical reactions in wath´s called the great oxigenation event.
Luckily  some of them sneaked through and became animals and plants.
they used oxigen to create organic molecules more complex and make them faster to the point of becoming vital.

Friday 22 July 2016


Bioluminescence is the reaction that produces ligth with the reaction of enzymes like luciferine and luciferase in contact with oxigen and other key ingredients and Biofluoresence is the capacity to absorb ligth and release it in a different, dimmer color. The first kind of luminesence is common in the deep sea and in some invertebrates and the fluoresence is found in shallower waters.
The´re some parts of the seas were microbes glow when the water moves around them, the brigthest place to surf.

Thursday 21 July 2016

YouYube-Ep.2:What if the World Ended?

We have seen what effects could a Fallout have in our planet, but what would happen afterwords...

YouTube-Ep.1:Could you survive a Fallout?

Could you survive a Fallout? What effects could it have...


Carbon Dioxide or CO2 for short is a greenhouse gas wich means it traps the energy of the suns and transforms it into radiation and heat that it´s traped into the atmosphere, Or is it? Actually, the CO2 in the atmosphere gets traped in solid form in the geosphere and nearly all of it its mixed and reacted with the hidrosphere made of H2O and other compounds found on rocks and in air like calcium or nitrogen.
The CO2 reacts with H2O to create H2CO3 also called Carbonic Acid that makes the water more acidic and reacts with calcium creating other compounds making the shell building for creatures like coral,clams and crabs nearly imposible.
The quemistery of the ocean is just one of the problems that CO2 creates in our seas.
Warmer waters evaporates faster wich creates stronger storms.It also has less oxigen that kills oxigen breathing creatures and makes deadly hidrogen sulfate producing bacteria prosper.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


Many movies have shown aliens like very complex intelligent monsters trying to destroy humanity.
But that isn´t necesarily the case.
Experiments have shown that some fungi can survive the bakume and radiation of space and they even grow in thoes conditions. Some microbes colonies have survived frozen in Antartica millions of years before humans existed.
Whow do you think alien life looks like?
Tell in the comments.


A new conservation proyect will use aereal drones to trasmit vaccine pills to black fotted ferrets in the prairies to stop an infection that is trasmited by flies and  has destroied the population.
This proyect could help black fotted ferrets from extintion.

Tuesday 19 July 2016


We normaly consider bird brain a bad complement for us humans, but research have shown that we have a lot in common with birds in brain function.
Both humans and songbirds have certain parts of the brain that understand and create words with complex interactions between one another that let birds understant different songs that they learn and us understant our language.
And for vocalization many animals including bacteria have a gene called FOXP2 that in humans and songbirds helped us talk and sing with one another.        



Although bees aren´t very specific in the species they pollinate they are picky eaters when we go to taste.
Bumblebees can differenciate sweet and bitter taste and they tent to eat sweter polen from certain flowers.
The evolutionary armsrace goes like this: "Be sweter to a bumblebee and you´ll be pollinated.

Sunday 17 July 2016


       We normaly consider bacteria as dangerous beings than only produce epidemics, but most bacteria are actually harmeless or even necessary to us and the enviroment.
An example is the nutrients that plants need to make photosynthesis to get sugar to sustain themselves, those are nitrogen and phosphorus, nitrogen is a molecule of a triple bond of 3 electrons that makes it imposible to rearrange to other organic compounds to our cells.The problem is that the triple bond needs a pain lot of energy to be  disrupted.Fortunately plants don´t need to use lots of energy to destroy that bond, soil bacteria break the bond for their own benefit and let the plants get the nitrogen from the soil.
So even if you don´t like it, you have everything to thank to bacterium.