Thursday 28 July 2016

LAB ANIMALS:What´s the deal?

Animals have been used in many labs for decades, specially for biology and medicine studies.
Today some people complain to this practice.
Let´s see the positive and negative sides of these practice.
+The use of animals like mice in the lab has made possible understand venom molecules, viruses and bacteria deadliness and sometimes some vaccines.They even made the first step to genetics like "marathon pills" that could lead to old or dissabled people to have exercise or being nearly transparent.
-Some of this experiments are inmoral and don´t give good care of their animal subjects.
If animals have rigths, the trade of them would be banned and no animals would be harmed.
Of course, this theme has many uncertainties:Are the rigths of animals more inportant than global health or understanding anatomy or infection?And what about plants, bacteria, viruses?They´re also used in labs and some crimes have been linked to bio´terrorisim from labs.Are all of thoes  inmoral?If not,Is that fair?

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