Thursday 21 July 2016


Carbon Dioxide or CO2 for short is a greenhouse gas wich means it traps the energy of the suns and transforms it into radiation and heat that it´s traped into the atmosphere, Or is it? Actually, the CO2 in the atmosphere gets traped in solid form in the geosphere and nearly all of it its mixed and reacted with the hidrosphere made of H2O and other compounds found on rocks and in air like calcium or nitrogen.
The CO2 reacts with H2O to create H2CO3 also called Carbonic Acid that makes the water more acidic and reacts with calcium creating other compounds making the shell building for creatures like coral,clams and crabs nearly imposible.
The quemistery of the ocean is just one of the problems that CO2 creates in our seas.
Warmer waters evaporates faster wich creates stronger storms.It also has less oxigen that kills oxigen breathing creatures and makes deadly hidrogen sulfate producing bacteria prosper.

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