Sunday 17 July 2016


       We normaly consider bacteria as dangerous beings than only produce epidemics, but most bacteria are actually harmeless or even necessary to us and the enviroment.
An example is the nutrients that plants need to make photosynthesis to get sugar to sustain themselves, those are nitrogen and phosphorus, nitrogen is a molecule of a triple bond of 3 electrons that makes it imposible to rearrange to other organic compounds to our cells.The problem is that the triple bond needs a pain lot of energy to be  disrupted.Fortunately plants don´t need to use lots of energy to destroy that bond, soil bacteria break the bond for their own benefit and let the plants get the nitrogen from the soil.
So even if you don´t like it, you have everything to thank to bacterium.                                          

1 comment:

  1. very interesting.. and what about people's microbiome?
