Tuesday 6 September 2016


We live greatly in our low pressure non reactive air rich surface, but life doesn't evolve well in non reactive surroundings, it need minerals and high temperatures to rearrange the molecules properly.
Today many animals live there,feeding,hunting,glowing,swimming,crawling...
Yeti crabs roam the edges of the trench for bacteria, tube worms feed on the particles that come from above.
Squid roam the open deep sea.
But we never got there, maybe we should take some of their tricks.Use water as a structural support to support water pressure, be jelly like instead of robust.
That we can't get there at first doesn't mean it isn't worth the time to get there, we must try harder to go toward.We went to the deep blue above us but we forgot what was under our feet, what our world holds, we went up because we were afraid of what was under the surface, we must remember that our ancestors went to the cave to protect themselves from the snow, then we found our way to the outside, to never hold back.

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting, we should investigate the deep oceans.. nice drawing!
