Friday 5 August 2016


1.Venom is a molecule that we all have in our bodies, its a protein as any other.
Genetic mutations made the venom appear in saliva, the creature that had venom could kill more prey and faster.With time the venom became deadlier and isolated from the tissue so the animal didn´t poisoned himself.
2.Scientists made a evolutionary tree with venom DNA and discovered that the ancestor of all snakes was venomous.The most recent families of snakes have lost their venomous past and have become constrictors.
3.Venom DNA is one of the most rapidly evolving DNA.This is necessary because resistance to venom can happen in many ways.For instance:Honey badgers have antibodies that make them inmune and mongooses and hedgehogs have control of muscle contraction so the venom that paralices the muscle and stops all muscle function doesn´t work on them.
4.Venom and Poison are chemicals with the function of destroying the body´s functions.Poison is used for defence, the animals that use poison insert it in the body by touch or taste(poisonous).Venom is used for killing your prey, the animals that use venom have to inject it into the blood stream(venomous).

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