Monday 22 August 2016


British geologists looking for the first life on earth looked for complex shelled animals like trilobites and amonites,but today we know that we came from simple unicellular organisms that appeared around 4000 million years, just after the great bombardment, a period of continuous asteroid hits that gave the earth liquid water that mixed with the magmatic iron from the volcanic surface as earth cooled.Today research shows that the first bacteria and viruses where evolving during this formative period, when the earth started forming its oceans each big impact could make the earth inhabitable. There are some theories to explain this, for instance the Panspermia Theory that suggests that life developed or have evolved some time in space to survive.
To make life you don't need just water and some basic elements,you also need minerals from the earth that where dissolved by magmatic rocks and ocean volcanic vents.

Life came from rocks, maybe we should stop treating soil as dirt.

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