Wednesday 10 August 2016


You are what you eat, some foods are eaten like chips in some places and in others the same foods are disgusting just seeing them.Insects for instance are very productive and contain fibres and proteins and also other nutrients that makes more than half of the world´s malnutrition in humans around the world.
Other foods like rabbit in countries like Spain are considered as gross in the United States as dogs being eaten in China for us or some European countries eating cows for Indians.
In some countries like Bhutan there is a billion-dollar industry on a caterpillar that has been infected with a fungus.Some towns eat it with a very strong alcoholic drink.

No matter where do you live, what do you like and dislike, the culinary status of each country isn´t weirder or more usual,Should we let what we cook separate us or should we understand that...
Nature gave us the menu, we are the ones that choose witch one to pay for.


  1. Hey you're rigth. I think you like rabbit don't you? what's your favourite meal.

  2. I will never eat insects! Aggg.. But yes, you're right

  3. have you ever eat an insect?
    what is your experience?

  4. I´ve never eaten an insect, but I sure did consume some of their protein.Bugs are so sneaky that some of their tissue can be found in nearly any processed food we make.

  5. I´ve never eaten an insect, but I sure did consume some of their protein.Bugs are so sneaky that some of their tissue can be found in nearly any processed food we make.
