Tuesday 2 August 2016


Life´s empire rules all the heavens.
Life can make  a living anywhere, we usually expect life to live in very rich places (talking about nutrients,food,water and energy), but life itself has told us that it started in inhospitable places like volcanic vents or isolated lagoons exposed to radiation from the sun.
Today some creatures like the tard
igrades  can live in the edge of erupting volcanoes  or the deepest of oceans,They can even survive the deadly conditions in space!
Our cities may seem inhospitable, but they´re as ruff as any other environment,natural selection helps creatures adapt to the environment as they need too. Our cities have changed during 5,000 years, but simple changes in behaviour can happen in thousands of years.dogs have evolved for 10,000 years and diversified in many shapes and characteristics.The city pigeon evolved as we invented agriculture and created towns, cities and civilisations.

Cities, as any other environment isn´t a paradise for wildlife, but it isn´t a dead zone either.
The problem with cities is that when an organism looses its habitat it can evolve or go extinct, and with just months its hard even for creatures like bugs to adapt well to cities, and go extinct.
If we learn how to make this metal laboratory share its space with the other habitats, maybe there is a chance that we could make a better future for all of us.

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